Wednesday 28 January 2015

RE: The new blog!

It's darn cold outside at the moment -such is to be expected of Cardiff in the winter- but aside from the noise that comes with a particularly violent gust of wind, you wouldn't know it from where I'm sitting. I'm convinced the residence staff are quite pleased with themselves after having crafted their evil master plan. They patiently wait for us to ask about 'fixing the heating', then they crank it up to full without mercy, leaving us with an important choice. Either put up with the extreme heat (note: the radiator seems to be going through its rebellious phase, as it only takes the 'off' setting as a suggestion), or open the windows to gale force winds and risk reenacting a scene from the esteemed movie, Twister™ (1996).
   In reality, there's no way they'd do it on purpose (provided you keep off their black books, of course) but it's fun to imagine these sorts of things. Which segues nicely onto the next point; if you've read the previous paragraph and thought, "goodness, he's not a happy bunny", you're coming at this all wrong, or at least, not the way I'd like you to. First off, "happy bunny". Really? And secondly, it's best to get this in the clear now, I'm not writing because I see my perspective on stuff as anything particularly special, but it's my view that if something I write can give someone a bit of a giggle and cheer them up a bit, it's worth writing. Now whether or not I'm doing a good job at it is completely out of my hands, and frankly I suspect I'll be writing a lot of tosh. But hey, can't win 'em all.
   A quick look at the time and I realise sleep would probably be a great idea. I'm going with the second option from earlier, in case you were curious. As long as everything's taped down to the furniture, I hopefully wont wake up to a scene resembling a bombsite.
Then again, this is the bedroom of a student.

Night all,